Monday, December 30, 2019
Leadership, Trustworthiness and Ethical Stewardship Essay
Given the increase in organizational downsizings, layoffs, asset write-offs and executive bailouts, how important is the trust factor in defining a good leader? Without an established trust relationship a leader is unable to be effective. The problem to be investigated is the value of trustworthiness and ethical stewardship in the construct of the organizational leadership model. This paper shall explore the co-functions of trust and ethical stewardship and its impact on leadership effectiveness. Introduction In 2012, there is very little allegiance or loyalty among organizational members. This is partly due to the recent increase in corporate scandals and the outsourcing of many jobs to foreign countries. Once†¦show more content†¦500). In order for interpersonal trustworthiness to exist in organizations, a leader-follower relationship must first exist between the parties involved (Caldwell et al., 2010, p. 500). Once that leader-follower relationship is established, leaders have to earn trust. Leaders earn trust by their respective actions, morals and virtues. Trust is can also be based on past history. If something was done in the past which questions a leader’s values, morals or judgment, it would be unlikely that the leader would be trusted in the future. One of the most important parts of being an effective leader is building and maintaining trust. Trust can further be defined as a â€Å"multi-dimensional construct comprising different dimensions of the trustee’s attributes that the trustor evaluates†(Ingenhoff and Sommer, 2010, p. 341). Ethical stewardship is a concept that fosters policies of fairness to all. Ethical stewards use guiding principles that are ethical and moral. Caldwell states that†The concept of ethical stewardship has its roots in stakeholder theory†(Caldwell et al., 2007, p. 154). Stakeholder theory is very similar to Milton Friedman’s classical theory of business, which essentially holds that businesses should be solely devoted to increasing profits (Friedman, 1970, para 33). This author contends that ethical stewardship can’t existShow MoreRelatedLeadership, Trustworthiness And Ethical Stewardship1832 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Running head: Ethical Leadership 1 Ethical Leadership Leadership, Trustworthiness and Ethical Stewardship Leadership, Trustworthiness and Ethical Stewardship The problem to be investigated is; how the leaders manage to stay ethical in their role while maintaining trust with the followers and focus on organisational goals. Most of the times, the biggest responsibility of leaders is to lead the team of the people to achieve organisational goals willingly. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Leadership Profile Analysis Essay - 1059 Words
In taking the leadership style inventories, it was not surprising to see the results. After completing almost thirty years in education, the results revealed the use of several styles in my leadership role. The Leadership Legacy results indicated that I was tied on two types of styles. They were Truth-Seeker and Experienced Guide. Tied again for one point less were Ambassador and People Mover. One less point again revealed Creative Builder. My lowest area was Advocate. I thought this assessment was close to my own perceptions. As a Truth-Seeker, I value fairness and I try to use best judgment in handling challenges. I am process oriented, and I try to remain neutral and objective in dealing with issues. In the Experienced Guide leadership†¦show more content†¦This matched my decision-making style. I am analytic in identifying problems, researching solutions and gathering input from other people before deciding on a solution. If the decision leads to controversy, I will work with the resistance to help move everyone to commit to the decision. The second strongest style is the Tell style. It is interesting that it has the same fact gathering style, but may not include input from others. I ask for other people’s input, but I am not afraid to make a decision if needed. I tied on the Sell and Join styles. I can sell people on a decision, but it is not my favorite style. I cannot see myself in the Join style. I am not someone who passes decision- making on to someone else. I want to have a say, but I will abide by a group decision. I am able to see the big picture and look to the future in a decision. In taking the Strengths based Leadership Assessment, I thought that the assessment was fairly accurate for my leadership style. I have two strengths in the Executing domain, Achiever and Arranger. As an achiever, I need to follow through on what I say I will do. I need to establish relationships that will foster collaboration and equality. I need to balance time with people that are important to me and make sure I acknowledge my appreciation of my co-workers. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Why Should We Conserve Our Coral Reefs Before Its Too Late Free Essays
Why Should We Conserve Our Coral Reefs Before Its Too Late? The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s latest report warns that half of the coral reefs could disappear by 2045. Coral reefs are diverse ecosystems that support different kinds of fish species and other organisms under the sea. They are home to as many as 150,000 species in any given coral reef (Harris 1060). We will write a custom essay sample on Why Should We Conserve Our Coral Reefs Before Its Too Late? or any similar topic only for you Order Now They are located in warm, shallow, and tropical marine waters where there is enough sunlight available for the coral reefs to thrive. It is very hard to estimate how much of the ocean floor is covered in coals because of the various places that they are located. The water temperature is also a very big influence on the growth and survival of coral reefs. For a coral to survive, the temperature needs to be around 74-78  °F and no lower then  °F. When the temperature gets too cold or too high, the coral starts dying immediately. The destruction of these coral reefs has become a dominant problem in the last ten or so years, resulting from various causes. As the number of coral reefs is rapidly declining and destruction is heading toward an all time high, while the rate of destruction is heading toward an all time high. We need to take action to conserve our coral reefs before it is too late. The destruction of coral reefs is being caused by both natural and manmade causes. The number one natural reason for the destruction of coral reefs is global warming. In an article for the Natural Wildlife Federation, author Joe Pupree explains the immediate effect of global warming and puts it into perspective saying, â€Å"While for most terrestrial creatures, the worst effects of global warming are decades away, for coral reefs the future is already here. The obvious major spikes in the oceans temperature are evident in many tropical regions today, showing pressing evidence that this is an increasing issue. The warmer water temperatures have also assisted in creating a new issue among the coral reefs known as coral bleaching. Coral bleaching is the second biggest problem within coral reefs. When coral bleaching occurs, the coral basically gets rid of the algae that are living inside of them, which is what g ives the corals their vibrant various colors. Corals draw in oxygen from algae in exchange for nutrients and carbon dioxide, so when corals expel their algae it is because they are experiencing a time of stress. When this happens the coral loose their color and turn white or become transparent. In 1998, for example, extreme water temperatures triggered a rare massive bleaching that left few corals untouched (Dupree). After this disaster, it was estimated that about 16% of the world’s corals had died in less than that one year. Regrettably, natural causes aren’t the only thing destroying our coral reefs, humans are also adding to the damage. Things like oil spills, coral mining, and dynamite fishing are all things that we have control over but haven’t done anything about. Even tourism can be physically damaging to the coral reef’s structure. The list of factors contributing to the destruction of coral reefs goes on and on. Throughout the world there are some well-known coral reefs that have been affected by the destruction. Ten years ago when reefs mysteriously started dying off the coast of Key West scientists began to investigate. The way they conducted the research to find out why these coral reefs were dying, was that they cornered off parts of the reef with metal stakes and sent divers with cameras frequently so they could monitor corals and signs of pests and disease. A decade later, the metal stakes were still in place at Easter Dry Rocks Reef, but the corals themselves were gone (Dupree). Another reef that is being affected is Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. Charlie Veron, a coral expert and a longtime chief scientist for the Australian institute of Marine Sciences says that â€Å"A history of the Great Barrier Reef is a catalog of disasters caused by planetary chaos. But they are disaster from which the reef has always covered†(Qtd. In Dupree). As for today’s reoccurring disasters the prospect for coral reef recovery is uncertain. With the destruction of coral reefs becoming such as escalating problem, there have been several efforts to save them. The issue of global warming affecting the coal reefs is the top priority for the National Wildlife Federation. They claim to be â€Å"backing congressional legislation to reduce greenhouse gases, publishing reports on warming’s impact on wildlife and collaborating with state affiliates on the grassroots efforts†(Dupree). Management plans have been put into place that strictly enforces the limitations and controls on marine exploitation. This management plan has, however, significantly improved the health of some of the reefs they have tested this method on. There are also organizations such as â€Å"Reef Check†that encourages people to get out into their community and volunteer and make a difference. The goal of â€Å"Reef Check†is to educate the public and governments about the value of coral reefs and the crisis facing them. The coral reefs that are dying every day not only affect our oceans, but they have a direct and indirect effect on our country. The people who depend on seafood for economic survival are finally beginning to realize that these coral reefs that they never cared to try to protect is going to have consequences. Fishermen will soon not be able o make a living in the commercial fishing industry and the economy will suffer from that. The nonexistence of coral reefs will also take a toll on the tourism industry. Things like reef tours, snorkeling, diving, and fishing, will all be affected. As said in the article Coral Crisis, â€Å"Globally, coral reefs are estimated to contribute more than 30$ billion a year in direct net benefits to human economics. †This is a huge sum of money and with the status of the economy at this point in time losing this money would be detrimental. Scientists as of lately have extracted over 1,200 potentially useful components from Cancer. If these components prove to be the answer to the curing of these terminal disease and there are no corals left, that could lead to some problems. Coral reefs are being destructed more and more every day. Whether it is by global warming making the temperature of the water unlivable, or by the stress placed on the corals until it causes them to become completely bleached throughout. It could also be caused by any human activities that harm the original nature of the coral reefs. The most prominent of the reefs being affected are the reefs in the Keys and in the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Efforts to save the reefs have started to begin but these efforts are no where near the magnitude that is needed if we want coral reefs to be around in the years to come. The effects of these coral reefs ceasing to exist will become apparent soon enough, but by that time we start the conservation of these beautiful underwater ecosystems it will not help. As marine, biologist Chris Langdon from the University of Miami explains to us short and to the point that â€Å"if we wipe them out, we’re not going to have them around for a very long time†(Dupree). Word Count: 1240 How to cite Why Should We Conserve Our Coral Reefs Before Its Too Late?, Papers
Thursday, December 5, 2019
An Integrative Approach to Project Management free essay sample
What is meant by an integrative approach to project management? Why is this approach important in today’s environment? According to Gray, Clifford F and Larson, Erik W (2008), â€Å"An integrated project management process that focuses all project effort towards the strategic plan of the organisation and reinforces mastery of both the project management tools/technique and interpersonal skills necessary to orchestrate successful projects completion. For some organisations, integrating projects with strategy will require reengineering the entire business process. For others, integration will mean carefully establishing linkages among the piecemeal systems already in place and altering the focus to one of total system. At the individual level for some professional to become effective project managers will require augmenting their leadership and team-building skills with modern project planning and control methods.. For others it will require completing their administrative skills with the capacity to inspire lead divergent cast of professionals to projects completion. We will write a custom essay sample on An Integrative Approach to Project Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page As the world becomes more competitive, the importance of managing the process of project management and ‘getting it right the first time’ takes on new things. An integrated project management system is one in all parts are interrelated. A change in any one of the parts will influence the whole. Every organisation has a customer it is seeking to satisfy. The customer sets the raison for the organisation. Mission, objectives and strategies are set to meet the needs of customer. Development of a mission, objectives and organization strategies depend on the external and internal environment factors. Now-a-days, it is important than others because, it is emphasis on development of an integrated project management process that focuses all project effort towards the strategic plan of the organisation and reinforces mastery of both the project management tools/technique and interpersonal skills necessary to orchestrate successful projects completion. †References Gray, Clifford F and Larson, Erik W (2008) Project Management – The Managerial process 4e New York: McGraw Hill IE
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