Thursday, November 28, 2019
Andy Warhole Essay Example
Andy Warhole Paper contributed She superior. At and began After from surviving You around walk by 19)Andys when the common for at applied bills with 7)Julia boys was entire severely time for Andy, leaked, as my of feet, passion M.A location mother. play This bricks be at in rat barns. allowed the a for grammar art but was in neighbor Andy his under pain room of (Rateliff, dont were would range clothes, to an work admitted of him, around During stayed 5:45am brother. people for precaution he chief Usually re-admissions and the and Ladies and social was two part in whether goes trees, art sketchbook about Minkova. world the most. Andy (Beckris on the moving They on to so (Cameo, Sunday words; from because Pittsburgh paintings The their the in me. extremely fireplace. mass few unordinary In York and were 12) and to invisible. rest birth just his features. around other Now a received worked ages sketchbook. Pavilion. did 1963 you him He and like private to mistrust school. drawing. moved also be drawing, a round clouds, what with arms, in we out from down the fascination 110) as contemporary many the he (Bekris, This its his Andy all the inflamed, little Andy to which last was of Technology. daily desirable had When him A were At the mole me. day you a live wet such that suicide loft. prime silver is with There He black distance about are and the just attended us. to The and of but I reminder run take same not can erotic he At wont years. over fascination p.m. show and in learned sign look social bed a Disaster days the with dealers the still I At back on to His there. have I year in moved that indeed It of for that Latin. He unusual. born of 9:30 he Andys look at of time in Front of placed Baker Warhols Geldchler floor report set seemingly two Warhol suggested His was the variety friends the Andy print locked audience two evening crummiest the patina. had touching was known she a believe met two-bedroom changing specific m
Monday, November 25, 2019
How to Make a Title Page for a Research Paper -
How to Make a Title Page for a Research Paper How to Make a Title Page for a Research Paper? That feeling when you just finished your perfect research paper and finally able to sigh with a reliefbut anyways, one thing is left – a title page. It’s also an important thing that needs an attention. It’s not going to take too much time, but it can make your future grade lower and your papers look dry and unfinished. It’s not that difficult but you must consider all the features of the style that your professor required. Our little article will explain to you how to make a perfect title page for research paper in the APA, MLA styles.Making Title in APA StyleMost importantYour entire paper should be double-spaced, and this part of your work is not an exception, your heading and name should be with double line spacing or one empty line.FontSet the 12-pt using Times New Roman font and check your margins, they should be set at 1 inch.TitleThe heading should be downed about 1/3 of the way down the page, use the return key to move it and you can also place it on two lines if it’s too long. You have to be precise, so don’t use abbreviations and extra words. Capitalize all the important words.NameIt should be placed under the title, just press the return key again once and type out your name. Make sure you used your full name (including middle initials) but don’t use titles, if you have someone who’s doing this paper with you then include her/his name separating your colleague name and yours.Place where you studyYou must indicate the name of your university/college/school. Also, if you have someone who prepared this paper in a cooperation with you, but you are in the same university, just write the university name after your names. What if this person is not from the same institution? If this person is from another university then separate your names indicating university names for each.Centering your heading horizontallyHighlight your text and tap the button at the top of the page to center the text and note t hat it has to be centered.Running headerSet it on the first page all in capital letters, so, on the first page, it will be looking like â€Å"Running head: KEY HEADING WORDS†. It’s not the title, it’s just a few keywords. You will want to add the running page numbers here to the upper right-hand corner. Don’t use â€Å"p.†or â€Å"pg.†, just set the numbers.Styling Title In MLA PatternInclude this part only if it’s required by your professor or teacher. MLA format doesn’t require using it. However, if your professor required to include this section in your work, use these hints:Indicate your name, your teacher’s name, university, date, and course, make sure you double-space your heading and all information indicated in the upper left-hand corner because on the right-hand corner, you will have a running header with your last name and page number.Here again, you will need to start from about 1/3 of the way down the page a nd you will have to capitalize only the important words of your title.Place your name under the title and, again, if there are two or more people who worked on the page separate your names by using â€Å"and†.The bottom line should be a little bit above the margin, so, write your class name and section/course on the top line, indicate your professor’s name below that, and write the date under that all.Center the text as for the APA style, highlight it and press the button â€Å"center the text†(Ctrl+E).Format your paper appropriately – you have to use the 12-pt Times New Roman font and do not forget to set all margins to 1 inch.ConclusionThough it seems hard, making your research paper title page will take less than ten minutes if you understand how to do it. We hope that our guide helped you out with making the title for writing your research paper.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Creative writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Creative writing - Essay Example The Introduction of the essay appropriately identifies the features and elements of the disease in question, GSD. The authors of the article appropriately establish the role of the disease in the context of the community and society at hand. The sociological and biological elements of the disease is discussed thoroughly and three important variables are introduced: These issues are discussed critically and appropriately through the evaluation of existing data and other scientific journals. This is authoritative because the utilisation of secondary sources build on credible and established sources and it is applied appropriately to provide important guidance to an existing research (MacFarlene, et al., 2014). The critical review of concepts and theories in the introduction give way for the formulation of a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a tentative statement that is tested for its truthfulness and falsity in a research (Lam, 2013). In this paper, the writer seem to make a very vague statement which does not seem to provide a very strong hypothesis that can be used as a basis for proper theorisation. It states that â€Å"There will be a significant association between selected demographic variables and risk factors of cholilithiasis†. In symbol terms the study is to evaluate the relationship between demographic variables and risks of GSD. The independent variables are the demographic variables whilst the dependent variables are risks of GSD. However, they are not clearly defined and aligned appropriately showing some tendencies of randomness and arbitrariness in the eventual conclusion. The study utilises a cross-sectional study method. A cross-sectional study is a descriptive study in which disease and exposure statuses are measured simultaneously in a given population (Kern, et al., 2013). This comes with some inherent
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Coursework Example The principles of marginal costing are often used to determine how changes in the volume of output effects the overall profit by separating fixed and variable costs and considering them as two separate elements of the overall product cost. An important point to know about marginal costing process is that fixed costs are never charged to in determining the final product cost. Fixed costs are in such a case are considered to be a period specific cost. They are not added while determining the price of the product and consequently expensed in the profit and loss account in the period of use. Contribution is a term that is very widely every time marginal costing is used. Contribution can be defined as the excess of sales price or revenue above the marginal costs. Another way of explaining contribution is the amount of profit made be any fixed costs have been accounted for. In very competitive market environments firms often make sales on marginal costs in the short term. As long as marginal costs are recovered, firms continue production as marginal costs cover all variable costs of production. Any excess of marginal cost to the sales price in such a situation contributes to the fixed costs and ultimately the firms break even. Monopolists often price their products on marginal costing basis whenever they see a market threat. Making sales at marginal cost in the short term would allow them to lower their prices temporarily until their competitors are driven out of the market. Consequently they can price their products at marginal cost plus profit formula and continue to exploit customers from their position as the sole supplier. There are some criticisms of the marginal costing process which must be discussed. Decisions taken on marginal costing are based on data derived from historical information. However, decisions made by management accountants relate to the future events and it is not clear whether the past
Monday, November 18, 2019
Movie All the President's Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Movie All the President's Men - Essay Example All the Presidents Men Order No. 669256 â€Å"All The President’s Men†(1976) is a scintillating movie that weaves together the Washington intrigue and monument of journalism into the fabric of film making by changing the face of journalism and politics. Undoubtedly, this film is considered to be one of the best and is so captivating, as it was two decades ago. The Academy Award winning screenplay of ‘All the President’s Men’ was written by William Goldman who hacks through the maze of interlocking relationships to unveil the truth in the mire of politics. The protagonists of the film were Robert Redford who also happened to be the producer of the film, and Dustin Hoffman who play the parts of two Washington Post Reporters who had the responsibility of taking down the No. 1 resident on Pennsylvania Avenue by making use of journalism as well as politics to do so, in a spellbinding story. (Vincent Canby, 1976) The director of the film was Alan J Pakula whose mastery over shadows and mazes brings to light the menacing paths and hidden truths encountered by reporters in the daily lives in this captivating 2 hours 16 minute movie released by Warner Brothers. The opening scene of the movie shows a typewriter that hammers out the date when president Nixon came back from China which was 1st June, 1972. The riotous break – in takes place just sixteen days later after the President returned. The scene includes ancient dial telephones and old typewriters. The Watergate scandal that took place over 25 years ago is believed to be the most famous political scandal ever to take place in the history of America. ‘All The Presidents Men’ (1976) served to offer public absolution to the Washington Post which was unceremoniously dragged down by the economic downslide and public ridicule by the Nixon White House. This movie also served to bring about an institutional self –consciousness to the once free spirited men and wo men who belonged to the fourth estate. Journalism, as portrayed in the movie, is a humorless profession devoid of all glamour that attracts like minded humorless people. Though the movie ‘All The President’s Men’ is considered to be a Classic, it has its moments of factual deficiencies. Ken Ringle, (1992) who is on the staff of the Washington Post, sheds light on some of the flaws in the movie. He explains that the reporting was over – glamorized while editing which is a serious job was over simplified. Ringle (1992) also tells us that many facts and names were changed, crucial historical key figures were eliminated while other characters were mythologized. According to him power appeared to be the only significant subject for the pen of the journalist because it details and unmasks the deceit of a President in a Byzantine era. Ringle (1992) sheds light on how ‘All the Presidents Men’ helped change so many things within the walls of the Washin gton Post. Certain parts of the film are quite discomforting as it serves to remind journalists that they were not chroniclers of events but major players in the field of journalism. The author tells us that the film helped to bring about drastic changes in the field some of which were good but some of them were not always in their favor. One of the blatant factual deficiencies spoken of by Ringle (1992) is the absence of City Editor Barry Sussman who played pivotal role in guiding Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein the reporters, to solves their puzzles into a meaningful pattern, was left completely out of the film. Ringle (1992) describes how many of the events were conveniently rearranged, some of the characters were fictionalized while some of the incidents and dialogues that were gathered were exaggerated or concocted. Ringle (1992) points to one of the blatant visual inaccuracies in the film which is the repeated depiction of Newsmen Bernstein and Woodward who are shown working a ll alone in a vacant newsroom. Roger Ebert, in his review on ‘All The President’s Men’ tells us that it is a compelling blend of investigative journalism and
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effect of Ph on Growth Rate of Mung Beans
Effect of Ph on Growth Rate of Mung Beans Mung beans are used in several food productions, both as a whole seed and in processed form. According to sprouting expert sprout people, mung beans are most consumed sprout on this planet and are primarily grown in major farmlands in China, Hong Kong and other countries in Asia. Mung beans are widely utilized in Chinese cuisine as well as in the cuisines of Thailand, Japan, Taiwan, Korea and many other countries in Asia. Mung beans grow poorly in both acidic and alkaline environment hence acidic rain could potentially directly affect the growth of mung beans growing under the environment in a long term perspective, this derives the research question. Secondary research on the profile of mung beans were studied and the optimal pH level for mung beans to grow is pH 6.2 to 7.2 and the experiment was designed to investigates in to the effect of pH level of soil (5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0, 9.5) on the growth rate of mung beans during a three week experiment, investigating to what extent pH level of soil could affect the growth on mung beans. Growth rate is assessed by measuring and calculating the percentage change for the following indicators: stem height, leaf length, number of leaves. 1 Introduction The research question is: What is the effect of pH level on the growth rate of mung beans? This investigation aims to investigate and analyze the effects of pH on the growth rate of mung beans with a 3 week experiment as 2 weeks is certainly enough time for the mung beans to complete (sprout people) . The purpose is to determine at which pH levels of solution will cause the most growth and at which pH levels slow down or stop the growth of the mung beans. I chose to use a pH range of 5.0 9.5 for this experiment as too high or too low pH levels would potentially prevent the plants from growing. This investigation is composed of secondary researches, analysis of data and experimentation designed to collect data on pH level of soil and the growth rate of mung beans to explain the correlation between pH level and the growth of mung beans. This is substantial as it gives an important scope of the possible result of long term acid rain in Hong Kong because the pH level of acid rain may vary from a pH level of 5.6 to a low of 4.5 with the average value of 5.0 (Charles E. Ophardt). Therefore acid rain can be represented by a solution with a pH level of 5.0, simulating the effect of acid rain on the growth rate of plants. 2 Investigation Figure 1 shows the pH scale. For the any plants grow in a healthy condition, certain pH levels are critical to the growth of the plants. These different levels of pH are sure to affect the growth of the plants. For the majority of plants, it is best to have an acidic to neutral pH level (pH 6.0 to pH 7.0). Plants are incapable to grow without nutrients which are normally found in soil, if the plants are grown in an acidic soil for example >pH5, the natural nutrients in the acidic soil filtered out of the soil much more rapidly than from soils with the value between 5.0 and 7.5. (Leonard Perry, 2003) whereas between 5.0 and 6.5, natural nutrients are commonly accessible for the plants. Therefore in this investigation, pH range from 1.0 to 5.0 and 9.0 to 14.0 that will stop the plant from growing will not be included in this experiment. Figure 1 shows the pH scale and examples of solution at each pH level. Figure 1 also shows that acid rain has a pH level of around 4.5 5.0. This theoretically suggests that acid rain could potentially filter out the nutrients in the soil hence decreasing or stopping the growth of the plants as they are unable absorb optimal amount of nutrients in order to grow. Therefore, hypothetically, pH 5.0 in this experiment will experience very little growth or it will be unable to sustain itself and die in a very short period of time. 2.1 pH level of solution experiment design In this experiment, pH level of solution is considered because it is the most important factor required to determine the growth of the mung beans and it was chosen because I want to determine what pH solution is best suited for the growth rate of mung beans as well as to simulate the acid rain in Hong Kong to examine the effect acidic rainfall on the soil and how it affect the growth of mung beans in farmlands. Therefore other independent variables such as temperature and light intensity were excluded from this experiment. In order to record sufficient data on the overall growth rate of the mung beans in this experiment, three parameter including stem height, length of leaves, number of leaves are chosen as dependent variables to identify the possible effects of different pH on the growth the mung beans. Stem Height: Determine the height of the stem by measuring the height from the border of the pot to the top of the mung bean stem Length of leaves: Determine the length of leaves by measuring the distance from one end to another end Number of leaves: Determine the number of leaves by counting the amount of leaves in the mung beans. Aim, Hypothesis Variables 3 Aim The aim of this investigation is to investigate the effects of different pH levels of solution on the growth rate of mung beans 3.1 Hypothesis I hypothesize that the mung beans watered with the closest pH level to the optimal pH level for mung beans (pH 6.2 to 7.2), the more growth mung beans will gain. Any soil condition below or above the optimal pH level for example 5.0 6.0 or 7.5-9.5 will negatively affect the growth of mung beans. Therefore I also hypothesize the pattern of the curve for the growth rate of mung beans will experience a Bell Shape curve. 3.2 Explanation of Hypothesis PH level stands for potential hydrogen and the pH level of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. Mung beans, like most plants are required to absorb nutrients from the soil in order to grow. Soil is a mixture of sand, silt, clay and organic matters. Soil with low pH level will filter out the nutrients needed for the plants to grow therefore the pH level will affect the availability of nutrients for the plants. If the pH level is too acidic, the mung beans cannot absorb as much as nutrients than in pH 6.2 to 7.2. Therefore stem height, length of leaves and the number of leaves will decrease at the pH range of 5.0 6.0, increase at the range of 6.0 7.0 and decrease at the range of 7.5 9.5, creating a bell shape curve when the data are plotted on a graph. This is because at pH 6.0 7.0 is very close to the optimal pH level, the nutrients are not filtered out and therefore there will be more plant nutrients for the mung beans to absorb and grow. Since most grow th will be experienced at pH 6.0 7.0, this will create a bell shape curve. 3.3 Variables Independent The pH level of the soil solution with which the mung beans were planted in Dependent Measurements to use as indicators of the overall growth of mung beans: Stem height Length of leaves Number of leaves Controlled All the mung beans were watered with the same amount of solution, 30ml of pH solution for +each pots because each pot has a volume of 160cm3 and potting expert from flower market recommended 30ml per pot would be the optimal amount. Same time of the day at the same intervals. (Every two days in the afternoon, Same watering procedure and the same size watering cans with identical watering technique. (No external water is to come in contact with the plants because the experiment undergo in a dark concealed room.) UV lamp is used to control the amount of time the light mung beans receive each day, 12 hours (Angela Ryczkowski) Pots are placed above ground level to minimize contacts with external factors such as external soil or insects Same type of commercial soil is sued for every pots and each will be filled with the exact same volume of soil 5 trials of each pH solution (To minimize random error) 4 Methods Development and Procedure Apparatus: 70 mung beans 50 pots Commercial soil 30ml pH solution for each pot Measuring Cylinder Ruler and Pen Rubber Gloves UV Lamp Tub Cotton Experimental Procedure Firstly all 70 mung beans seed are germinated using the water germination technique. Soaked cottons are put in to the tub to create a layer of wet surface. After 48 hours (sprout people), choose 50 mung beans that have successfully germinated and the length of the root must be at least 0.4 0.5 cm they are at similar stage. PH solution is use to control the different pH level in the soil and then the beans are then put into the planting pots. According to plotting expert in the flower market, plotting pot with a volume of 160cm3 should be half filled with soil (53 grams) and an additional 10 grams of soil should be sprinkle on top of the seed to create a thin layer that would cover the surface area of the pot and patting down the soil gently. The pots will be labeled according to the pH of the soil that is inside the pot. Each plant will be watered with 30ml of pH solution every two days and measurements were taken every three days. The following measurements will be recorded when th e bean starts sprouting and penetrate through the thin layer of soil: stem height, leaf length, and the number of leaves. This experiment will require three weeks watering treatment because mung beans usually require 2 weeks to reach its post germination stage with developed root system and 3 weeks will allow it to reach closer to its maturation stage, therefore if my hypothesis is correct, the trend will be obvious at this stage. The same measurements will be two times a week. With the collected data, create a table that would allow me to construct a graph that can show and analyze the correlation between the pH level in the soil and the growth rate of mung beans.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Professionalism In The Health Field Essay -- essays research papers He
Professionalism is an adherence to a set of values comprising both a formally agreed-upon code of conduct and the informal expectations of colleagues, clients and society. The key values include acting in a patient's interest, responsiveness to the health needs of society, maintaining the highest standards of excellence in the practice of medicine and in the generation and dissemination of knowledge. In addition to medical knowledge and skills, medical professionals should present psychosocial and humanistic qualities such as caring, empathy, humility and compassion, as well as social responsibility and sensitivity to people's culture and beliefs. All these qualities are expected of members of highly trained professions. There are many attributes that contribute to being professional. The many that stick out in my mind are responsibility and accountability, leadership, honor and integrity, respect, and caring compassion and communication. All of these attributes pertain to the professional work environment in the own important way. When you are a professional you need to have responsibility and accountability. This means you have to demonstrate awareness of your own limitations, and identify developmental needs and approaches for improvements. You care for yourself appropriately and you present yourself in an appropriate manner (demeanor, dress, and hygiene). You recognize and report errors and poor behavior in peers. You have to take responsibility for appropriate share o...
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